
Ending factory farming has never been more urgent.

To meet climate, nature, and sustainable development goals, and end the unnecessary suffering of billions of animals, we need to end intensive farming by 2030.

Right now, the global food system is harming animals, contributing to global hunger and malnutrition, damaging human health, driving the climate and biodiversity crises, and threatening the very future of our planet.

We urgently need to move towards a healthy, nature and climate positive, and humane farming system.


Extinction or regeneration?

Crops growing on arable land

Why a global agreement?

World leaders must commit to a better world for animals, people and the planet that ends factory farming by 2030:

1. providing healthy and balanced food for all

2. supporting the regeneration of the environment

3. protecting animals, and

4. providing fair livelihoods for farmers.

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

Organisations supporting END.IT

Our petition to World leaders

There is an urgent need to transform the food system. If the global community is to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement targets and the goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity, action must be taken to end intensive animal farming. 

We, the undersigned, call on World Leaders to develop a Global Agreement on food and farming for adoption by the United Nations General Assembly, with the objective being to move away from industrial animal agriculture and: 

Shift to nature-positive farming systems that help restore biodiversity and soils and keep the global increase in average temperatures below 1.5˚C. 

Reverse over-reliance on animal protein in high consuming populations and support equitable, secure access to nutritious food. 

Ensure a just transition to a global food system that provides fair livelihoods for farmers and protects the rights of indigenous peoples, women, and vulnerable communities. 

Achieve a financial and regulatory environment which helps to secure the above transition. 

Deliver high standards of farmed animal welfare.